
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

As The World Dies Untold Tales Volume 3 by Rhiannon Frater

I love this series. Rhiannon (author) really nailed it. The characters are alive. I really cared about them. I cheered them on and rooted for their success. When things go bad as they have to in any good zombie book I cried. This book really wrapped up the series. I will miss this world, because Rhiannon says that this is the last, even though I secretly hope she changes her mind. If you miss this series you are the one losing out. I became so emerged in this series I feel like I know these characters as people from my life. Please done miss out and leave these people in the book and not as part of your memories of a very special experience. Rhiannon Frater proves there is life after Zombies.


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